In preparation for Vacation Bible School, Pastor McGee looks at the life of Joseph and how through hope, wisdom and his trust in God he ended up going from the prison to the palace.
The Assurance of the Word – July 10, 2016
It’s good to know that we have assurance, an anchor in the Word of God. Pastor McGee shares specific examples in the bible that examines the truth behind the guarantee that we can trust what the bible says.
The Value of the Word – July 3, 2016
Why do you read the bible? The bible is more than reading for information sake. It is to be read to transform who we are. According to the book of Psalms, the Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
Believe Me – May 1, 2016
It’s easy for us to miss and truly understand who God is. The first step in the process is believing in Him. Not just a head knowledge, but I genuine belief in our heart.
Have Life – April 24, 2016
On the backdrop of Jesus calling on witnesses to prove that he is the Son of God, people still did not believe him. As Jesus begins to provide more evidence, he urges his listeners that to have life is to know him, the Son of God.