Sometimes it’s hard to see that you’re in the middle of a miracle because you’re not near Jesus. Even when we aren’t near to Him He still sees us, and when He sees us it’s a great thing.
God Displays His Glory In You – August 13, 2017
Do you feel like you are being punished by God because of your sin? This is absolutely not the case. Instead, God wants to use every circumstance in your life to display His glory.
The Ultimate Sacrifice – May 28, 2017
Memorial Day honors those men and women who have sacrificed for this country. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice by dying on a cross to save us from our sins.
The Path to Freedom – March 26, 2017
Many times scripture is used to support different scenarios in our life, but it’s important to keep scripture in the right context.
Nominal vs Phenomenal Life
It’s easy to get stuck living a nominal life. As Christians, God calls us to live a phenomenal, because He is phenomenal.