Being quick to listen and slow to speak isn’t an easy thing to accomplish, especially in today’s society. In this sermon, Pastor Byron McGee examines how the book of James gives us practical ways to control our speech and anger.
Persevering Under Trials
We all face trials and temptations, but how do you handle them when they come? In this sermon, Pastor Byron McGee examines how the book of James shows us how to withstand the test of trials and temptations.
Rich Man, Poor Man
Whatever God has given to us, comes from Him. In this sermon, Pastor Byron McGee examines what the book of James tells us about living in poverty and living wealthy.
Good Trouble
When is trouble good? In the first chapter of James, James examines how to “count it all joy” when we are experiencing hard times because He produces faith in us. In this sermon, Pastor Byron McGee examines the good kind of trouble.
The Book of James | April 25, 2021
The book of James is filled with encouragement and wisdom to help Christians live of life full of peace. In this sermon, Pastor Byron McGee introduces his new sermon series in the book of James.