Sometimes on the outside it appears we are obeying God, but on the inside our hearts are disobeying God. There comes a time in our life when we must decide to put God first. Pastor Byron McGee give us insight into what that looks like based on the lessons from this year’s Vacation Bible School theme: Choosing God’s Way.
Pastor Tim Harris and Congregation – August 30
Join us as we welcome Pastor Tim Harris and Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church on Sunday, August 30. They will be here with us for morning worship, and dinner will be served following the service.
Movie Outing – August 29
Movie outing at The Greene! We’ll be viewing “War Room” at 4:50pm. We need to order advance tickets by August 3. There’s a signup list in the church foyer. Sign up today!
Pastor Hurd Scott Latimer and Congregation – August 16
Join us as we host Pastor Hurd Scott Latimer and congregation here at Cornerstone at 3:00 pm on Sunday, August 16.
Cincinnati Reds Game – August 2
Come with us to a Cincinnati Reds Game on Sunday, August 2! The game is at 1:10 pm and we will leave church 11:30 am. That morning, we will start our church service early at 10:45 am.