There is nothing that exempts Christians from experiencing the bad things in life. It’s also important to remember those bad things in life are not caused because of something you do wrong. God has a divine plan and purpose for everything and everyone.
Be Careful of Your Religiosity – November 1, 2015
Religiosity – a comprehensive sociological term used to refer to the numerous aspects of religious activity. Why is it important to focus on our salvation as opposed to religious activity? We see a clear example of why in John chapter 5.
The Identity of One – October 25, 2015
Jesus has a way of meeting us right where we are. In John chapter 5 we find a man who has been waiting to be healed for 38 years and when Jesus meets him He tells him to “Get up”. Out of all the people Jesus could have healed, it was the identity of this one man that was special.
More Than Signs and Wonders – October 18, 2015
Many times we look for signs and wonders from God, but that’s not always how God operates. Sometimes His message is simple and direct. Sometimes all God has to tell us is…go!
Christmas Ornament Exchange – December 5
Join the women of Cornerstone for fun, food and fellowship during the Annual Christmas Ornament Exchange. This years exchange will be from 2:00 – 4:00 pm at the church. Please bring a gift wrapped ornament. There is a $5.00 max for the gift. For more information, contact Sis. Sheila McGee.