The love we exhibit as Christians should make us distinctly different from the world. In the short clip, Pastor McGee explains how this type of love is compelling.
I Am God – February 28, 2016
Jesus is the Son of Man. In the book of John in chapter 5, Jesus makes the proclamation that He is God and has come to not do His will, but the will of His father. What does this proclamation mean for believers today?
God Is Faithful, You Can Trust Him – February 21, 2016
Throughout the bible, God shows us His faithfulness. It is because of God’s demonstrated faithfulness that when times get tough we can run with endurance the race that is set before us. Cedarville President Dr. Thomas White shares with us why God is faithful and we can trust Him.
Love Is Everything – February 14, 2016
Why do we love? We love because Christ first loved us. The type of love that Christ enables us to display sacrifices for the good of others.
Supernatural Love – February 7, 2016
We love because Christ first loved us. Once we realize how far God went to forgive us through His son Jesus Christ on the cross, we can then begin to exhibit supernatural love.