The 5-mile walk begins at 9 AM from Wilmington Church of Christ. All proceeds will benefit the New Life Clinic, whose mission is dedicated to helping women and men who are facing pregnancy-related circumstances and dealing with significant life issues.
Resurrection Sunday Service – April 16
Our Resurrection Sunday celebration will begin at 8:30 AM with a buffet style breakfast. Morning worship will begin at 10:00 AM. Immediately following morning worship will be an Easter Egg Hunt at the church for the kids to enjoy.
How to Approach the Lord Supper – April 2, 2017
There is more to the Lord Supper than eating and drinking. What is actually taking place during the Lord Supper? In the book of Corinthians, Paul writes to the church to explain the approach Christians should have when it comes to taking the Lord Supper.
The Path to Freedom – March 26, 2017
Many times scripture is used to support different scenarios in our life, but it’s important to keep scripture in the right context.
The Right Focus – March 19, 2017
Are you pleasing God? It takes the right focus to do so.