Kick-back, relax, and watch a movie to celebrate the conclusion of Vacation Bible School. The movie will be projected on a big screen outside of Immanuel Baptist Church, 550 Virginia Cir, Wilmington, OH. Kids who attended VBS and their parents are encouraged to join us. Popcorn and candy will be provided by the church. The movie will begin at approximately 8:30 pm.
Church Picnic – July 29
Join us with Immanuel Baptist Church for an afternoon of family fun at our joint church picnic. This will wrap up our VBS activities for the week. Everyone is encouraged to bring their favorite covered dish. The church will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, and drinks. Children who attended VBS with us during the week are strongly encouraged to join us with their families for the picnic. Activities will start at 1:00 pm outside on the Immanuel Baptist Church lawn, 550 Virginia Cir, Wilmington, OH.
The Story of Samson – June 18, 2017
Samson was a man of faith. When you think about him, you may think of his hair or his strength. The story of Samson is one not of strength but of sanctification. One not of might but of righteousness. Not of ability but of obedience. This sermon was delivered by guest preacher Gillis West.
How to be a Disciple of Christ – June 4, 2017
A disciple is a follower of someone. Since we are disciples of Jesus Christ, we need to understand what a disciple really is. Pastor McGee gives us 8 attributes of a disciple of Jesus.
The Ultimate Sacrifice – May 28, 2017
Memorial Day honors those men and women who have sacrificed for this country. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice by dying on a cross to save us from our sins.