Every sports team and organization has a playbook, something that contains a strategy for victory. What is your playbook for life? For Christians, we have the ultimate playbook in the Word of God, but we have to study it like any sports team or organization to win.
VBS Pre-Registration – July 10, 2017
Join us for pre-registration for our 2017 Vacation Bible School: Discovering the God of the Universe. This year we are partnering with Immanuel Baptist Church. Pre-registration will be at 550 Virginia Cir, Wilmington, OH on July 10. We’re breaking out the grill for hots dogs and we’ll also have chips and drinks. Pre-registering your child(ren) ensures they will receive a t-shirt at the end of VBS, which is July 25-28.
Feasting on the Word – July 2, 2017
The Bible can keep us away from sin, but if we’re wrapped up in sin it tends to keep us from away from the book. Only time in the Bible will help us spiritually mature into who God truly wants us to be. That will only come from feasting on the word.
The Bible – June 25, 2017
The Bible above all is Gods word that was given to us through man so we can understand what Gods word actually means. Pastor McGee explains how the Bible can help guide and direct your life.
Vacation Bible School – July 25-28
This year we are partnering with Immanuel Baptist Church to bring you VBS 2017: “Discovering the God of the Universe”. Kids will encounter amazing and wonderful things designed by a Creator who is even bigger than the vastness of His creation. Children in grades Kindergarten – 6th grade are welcome to attend. Each night activities will begin at 6:00 pm at Immanuel Baptist Church, 550 Virginia Cir, Wilmington, OH. VBS will conclude Friday night with a movie on the lawn of Immanuel Baptist Church. Popcorn, drinks, and snacks will be provided. Saturday, both churches will come together for a Family picnic.
Contact us to register your child(ren) or stop by our church Wednesday between 7 pm – 8:30 pm or Sunday between 9 am – 12 pm.