Hated by the Word – October 14, 2018

Jesus was hated by the world, that’s why he was crucified. That means living the Christian life will cause you to be hated by the world too, but living a holy spirit filled life can help you live the life that God intends for you to live.

Are You On Point? – October 7, 2018

Are you doing what God wants you to do? Are you thinking the way God wants you to think? Are you living the way God wants you to live, or is there a problem? On our 15th Church Anniversary, Pastor H. Scott Latimer challenged us to live the life that God has called us to live.

Just Believe – September 2, 2018

It’s easy to believe in yourself or other things, but your ultimate belief should be in the person of Jesus Christ. Pastor Byron McGee examines John chapter 14 and how the answers you need in life can simply be found in believing in Christ.