In the Conversation at the Well Part 2, we find in John chapter 4 that God had a divine appointment with a woman at a well. It is at this marvelous moment that God confronts the woman, forcing her to face herself. It is through this, that we learn how the word of God confronts us and deals with our heart.
Operation Christmas Child – November 14
Join us on Saturday November 14 to pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Every shoebox offers an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with a hurting child. Brochures on how to pack your shoebox gift can be found in the foyer. Contact us for more information.
Conversation at the Well – September 27, 2015
Have you ever been thirsty? Drinking water is a good way to quench your thirst, but the woman at the well in John chapter 4 finds herself in a conversation with Jesus about living water. What is living water? Where can you find it? You can find it in Jesus Christ.
If You Knew – September 20, 2015
In John chapter 4 we find Jesus talking to the women at the well on his way to Samaria. In this conversation, Jesus makes the statement to the women, “If you knew the gift of God”. It is vital that we understand and know that we have the gift of God. What is the gift of God? Living water.
You Must Be Born Again – September 13, 2015
In John chapter 3, Jesus has an encounter with a man named Nicodemus. This encounter leads to an important question that many still have today. How can we be born again? Jesus, has the answer.