Vacation Bible School – July 19 – 21

Our VBS theme this year is Egypt: Joseph’s Journey from Prison to Palace. Join Joseph as he goes from prison to palace and experience how God used Joseph to save a nation at this one of a kind VBS. Vacation Bible School will run from July 19-21 (6 pm – 8:30 pm) at the church.

On Friday July 22, the church will hold a movie night on the church lawn at 8:30pm with clowns, face painting and snacks. On Saturday July 23, the week will conclude with a church picnic including food, fun, games and a carnival style atmosphere for the kids beginning at 1:00pm.

Parents interested in registering children ages 5-13 can contact Sheila McGee at 937-728-9602. You can also contact the church for more information.

You Must Be Born Again

Being born again means being born from above. God has to work in our heart and mind to change us from within. This always involves bearing our cross; but how do we bear it? By being born again.


Believe Me – May 1, 2016

It’s easy for us to miss and truly understand who God is. The first step in the process is believing in Him. Not just a head knowledge, but I genuine belief in our heart.

Banana Split Festival – June 10-11

The annual Banana Split Festival will take place at the JW Denver Park in Wilmington, Ohio June 10-11. Cornerstone will be in charge of the game section at the festival. Members are encouraged to sign up for a time slot to work on Friday or Saturday. There is a sign up sheet in the church foyer.

VBS Meeting – May 21

The 2016 Vacation Bible School theme is  “Egypt: Joseph’s Journey from Prison to Palace”. An informational meeting will take place on May 21 for anyone interested in being involved in any capacity. A light breakfast will be served prior to the meeting.