Biblical Submission – June 12, 2016

The function of Christian families have been polluted by the world. In the world today, biblical submission from wives can be misconceived. For wives, submission is all about picturing who God is and what the gospel is all about.

Family Deception – May 29, 2016

Culture tries to dictate the structure of the family, but the structure of the family was designed by God. In Genesis chapter 3, the structure of the family began to crumble in the Garden of Eden because of deception.

Movie on the Lawn – July 22

Kickback and relax on the Cornerstone lawn and watch a movie to celebrate the conclusion of Vacation Bible School. The movie will be projected on a big screen outside. Kids who attended VBS and their parents are encouraged to join us. Popcorn and candy will be provided by the church. The movie will begin at approximately 8:30 pm.