This meeting will take place at Immanuel Baptist Church for all who are interested in helping. VBS will be held at Immanuel Baptist Church July 25 – 27.
Jags Steakhouse – February 10
Adults are invited to attend an outing at Jags Steakhouse in West Chester at 5:30pm. Sign-up sheet is in the foyer.
Church Business Meeting – February 1
All members are encouraged to attend at 7:00 pm
Take Courage – Dr. Jason K. Lee – January 29, 2017
Professor of Theological Studies at Cedarville University Jason K. Lee teaches us that Jesus came into this world for sinners, and we can take courage in knowing that He forgives us of our sins. Jesus is also concerned about our soul and our bodies.
The Birth of Jesus Foretold
An angel named Gabriel was sent from God to the virgin Mary to let her know she was with child, but how would a virgin give birth to the savior of the world? Through the holy spirit.