Starting on March 11, Bro. Tom Mcfadden will be hosting bible study at his house going through the book Shaken by Tim Tebow. A sign-up sheet is in the foyer or you can contact us here for more details.
Women’s Bible Study – March 7
Women’s bible study will be starting a new book on March 7 at 6:30 pm. See Sis. Sheila McGee for more details or contact us here for more info.
Follow Me – February 12, 2017
Only light can drive out darkness. In John chapter 8 beginning in verse 12, Jesus proclaims that He is the light of the world. What does believing in Him mean for believers? It means by following Him we will not walk in darkness.
In Remembrance of Me – February 5, 2017
One of the ordinances of the church is Lord Supper. Why do Christians observe it and what does it mean?
African Village – February 28
The Annual African Village will take place at Wilmington College, 7 PM.