We’ve all lost something or someone in our life. How do you respond? Christians are called to respond by not focusing on what we lost, but rather on what we have.
Basics Conference – May 8 – 10
Basics is the annual conference for men who serve as pastors and Christian workers at Parkside Church. Alistair Begg, Senior Pastor of Parkside has invited Sinclair Ferguson and Al Mohler to join him for the 2017 Basics Conference, which is scheduled for May 8-10 2017 at Parkside Church in Chagrin Falls, OH.
Mother’s Day Breakfast – May 14
Celebrate the beauty of motherhood with the mothers of Cornerstone for breakfast before morning worship. Food will be served at 9:00 AM.
Multi-Family Yard Sale – May 20
The members of Cornerstone are cleaning out their garages and closets for a multi-family yard sale! Shopping starts at 8:00 AM and will end at 4:00 PM.
Revive Us Again Part I – April 23, 2017
Have you turned away from what God wants you to do? God calls for a response from Christians. We, as the church are to live out what the bible says, but life has a way of pressing upon us. We need God to revive us, again.