A disciple is a follower of someone. Since we are disciples of Jesus Christ, we need to understand what a disciple really is. Pastor McGee gives us 8 attributes of a disciple of Jesus.
The Ultimate Sacrifice – May 28, 2017
Memorial Day honors those men and women who have sacrificed for this country. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice by dying on a cross to save us from our sins.
Dayton Dragons Game – June 4
Sign up sheet for the game is in the foyer. We will be departing immediately after morning worship.
Teach What Is Good – May 14, 2017
Mothers play a vital role in the Kingdom of God. Older women are to teach younger women what is good. Their identity, along with other Christians are to be wrapped up in Christ.
If My People – May 7, 2017
God hears our prayers, but we must do more than pray. Christians are to also humble themselves, seek the face of God and turn from their ways which are contrary to the will and the way of God. Then, God will forgive sin and begin the process of healing.